Thursday, 15 April 2010

A Never Ending Weekend

2008 & 2009 & parts of 2010, speaking in the macro, was a very intense and volitile time period in regards to salary, security, and other economic buzz words. Speaking in the micro, I fell in love with a post code vs a zip code, had a priceless relationship, and began to finally uncover a passion for a creative career.

I began this blog with inspiration from Lady and the major players in social comms in my flat off Finchley Rd in South Hampstead London, as my roommate rolled his eyes and pottered about with his GHDs ;-P. However, along the way as I developed my voice, commented on my surroundings, and made some major changes, I fell victim to the mist of lost blogs. (Just for kicks & giggles let's call it what some great writers before me -- Bill Shakespear, Bill Wordsworth, Brit Spears -- have called it, writers bloc)

[PS- I'd punch me too at this point but I've already placed blame on the vino, as should you]

Anyways, back to my long excuse ... rather than go on about tips on staying active during a personal slump, I'm just gonna call it an almost Never Ending Weekend. Along the way, of course I've lost, I've fought, I've had a blast, I've flown, I've moved, I've interviewed around the world it seems (short of Asia, but I did make an attempted with Fallon Tokyo one time) and I've sat on my ass. After trying to define the job hunt in a new way, I thought back to the angxt I felt on a Friday, knowing I'd not get any prospect emails until around the following Tuesday. So looking back on things, it has really just felt like a Never Ending Weekend.

Now, I know out of the handful of followers I have, a never ending weekend sounds LUSH, but I mean it in niether a long awaited for sense, nor in lieu of saying "what a drag."

[how many of you want me to say what I mean by now, if your still with me...?]

As a Planner it's my job to dissolve a mess of Questions, Comments, Concerns, Problems & Issues*, down to a single idea or "insight," and yet as this is MY BLOG I wanted to describe something as hard to describe as the Job Hunt for a Jr Planner, in my very own way, using my very own story.

I will be using this week to really push a short but sweet story forward for those coming up the 'pike.

Stay Tuned...

*Shout out to middle school crush & high school teacher, Courtney ;)

- Created, Edited & Shared using BloggPress on iMike

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