Wednesday, 17 June 2009

iPhone Apps vs. Grad Apps...

As I sit on my couch anxiously awaiting my iPhone 3.0 update to install, it got me thinking of what I was up to, this time last year. I used to live in Notting Hill working as a live-in resident advisor for about 30 American students getting a taste of London life. I had taken time off from my internship turned random sketchy job to devote my summer to studying for my final examinations. Not only was I trying to re-learn what I was taught back in the fall, but I was giving up my first London summer to drown myself in case studies and scholarly journals. YUKO

In September I came to the late conclusion that what I should have been doing was seeking out agency 'open days' and prepping for the 3-day mental drain of turning your life into a creative story no longer than 50 words! Talk about a creative hip check...

My first graduate application was JWT London's. It seems intimidating but in all honesty it really is insightful to wake up your creative side. At first you might get consumed, as I did, to try and outwit the many people who will be submitting a similar application.

ADventure Lad's ADvice: Put down your pen, go make a spot of tea, watch an episode of friends or go to the gym. Then think about a place you loved visiting over the course of your life... Once your in a better state, take a deep breath and pick up your pen or brush the keys of your Mactop or PC and ..... just be yourself. Don't force it.

The blog called AdGrads is VERY helpful for those of you about to dive into the new Grad season. I think Lowe London's might still be open, if the deadline hasn't closed yet...if not, then Hurry! I remember glancing at it, and it looked quite fun!

For JWT London's 2009 applications, about 2000 people applied, 125 were selected for interviews, 25 of us made it to the two day assessment and a final 6 were chosen. It was great fun and I met some great people whom I suspect I will cross paths with again and I have the pleasure of knowing two of the new trainees. The ONLY way to make it through, is to LIVE & BREATH the ad and most importantly Be Yourself, in the application and the assessment, if you're not as you would be in front of the mirror at home when no one is can easily get overshadowed.

If you apply and make it through, you will definitely have a great two days!

Time to check my iPhone update. Yippee

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